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IQA Website Updates and Referee Hub Redevelopment

Nov 30, 2021 | News

The IQA Communications and Technology department has continued to work on improving the new IQA website since its launch in late September. While most have been performance and technical improvements, we’ve recently finished work on our new volunteering page and encourage anyone interested in joining the IQA to check out our Volunteer at IQA page. Roles vary from a few hours a week at the Junior level up to 10+ hours for Directors, so whatever your availability and capacity to help there is a space for you.

We are adding roles on a continuous basis, and if you don’t see a role currently listed that you think you can contribute, you can always get in touch with our Hiring Team at [email protected].

Referee Hub Issues

With more countries returning to local competitions there has been an increased usage of our Referee Hub, as referees have renewed their qualifications under the new rulebook. The Referee Hub underwent a significant revision in 2020 with a focus on NGB management, and quite a few of these changes have resulted in technical issues especially for returning referees. We have also been made aware of a number of security issues that we have patched. No personal data was breached, but these security risks were entirely avoidable.

The Technology team at IQA unreservedly apologise to all the referees affected by these problems. They don’t meet the standard we set ourselves and don’t meet the expectations the community puts in us to manage referee qualification and their personal and private data.

To address some of these technical issues and bugs and with a focus on building with security as a top priority, the decision has been made to rebuild the Referee Hub from scratch rather than iterate on the existing application. This allows our team to build using best practice and technology and bring some much-needed quality of life improvements and bring the design in line with our new IQA website design. On the downside, while this rebuild takes place we are not improving the existing application or fixing non-critical bugs.

Below you can find a FAQ of some of the more common known problems and the solutions for them. We again apologise that this application is not up to scratch and ask for patience while we work on the rebuild.

Referee Hub – FAQs

I Bought a Head Referee test but it doesn’t show up
This issue seems to mostly affect returning referees who were previously eligible to sit a Head Referee test. Before a person can sit their Head Referee test they must complete all lower-level tests of the current rulebook, which includes our new Scorekeeper test. Unfortunately the button that appears to purchase a Head Referee test shows up even if the referee hasn’t completed the Scorekeeper test. So please make sure you have sat and passed the Scorekeeper, Assistant Referee, and Snitch Referee tests before purchasing your test.

I sat a test but haven’t received my results
This issue is tied to the previous bug where people were taking their Head Referee Tests even though they are technically not eligible to do so, having not sat the lower-level tests of Scorekeeper, Assistant Referee, and Snitch Referee. Passing all these tests should unblock the Head Referee Test result from being registered. The result registration is done in a periodic manner, about 4 times a day, so you may not see your result unblocked right away. If you have passed all the lower-level tests and still not received a result after 24 hours please email [email protected] for further support.

I want to change the name or email associated with my account
This currently can only be done by the tech team – please know this is a feature that will be built into the new referee hub as a self-service piece of functionality – Email your new name and/or email and the email currently associated with the account to [email protected] who will do this for you.

I’ve made multiple accounts and I want to merge them
Again this currently can only be done by the tech team. Email the details of the accounts and all emails associated with them to [email protected] who will do their best to sort this out for you.