Our four departments are overseen by managers and directors who report to our Executive Director and work with the Board of Trustees.


The Events team ensures the smooth running of World Cup and Continental Games, and scouts future locations for our events.

Event Bidding

This team focuses on soliciting bids from possible host locations and NGBs. They are responsible for determining the criteria of host cities for events, and for meeting with NGBs and tourism boards to ensure the IQA has hosting options.

Tournament Hosting

This team focuses on ensuring that events run smoothly. They are the primary liaison with host cities and NGBs once they have been selected to host an IQA event, are ensure that events run smoothly and on budget.

Tournament Execution

This team focuses on the sporting side of tournaments, including roster policies, volunteer recruitment and scheduling, and field management.  Most work occurs in the months leading up to major tournaments.

Communications and Marketing

The Communications and Marketing Department manages our social media accounts, public image and branding.


Social Media

This team is responsible for our social media accounts, strategy and analytics, with the overall goal of promoting the sport of quadball as well as the IQA.


This team is responsible for translating IQA materials like the rulebook, referee tests, social media posts, web content and our Annual Report.


This team produces graphics as needed by other teams in the department, and helps maintain our brand across all communications. 


This team manages copy, blog posts, and more and is involved in IQA projects that require a creative approach across departments. 

Membership and Gameplay

Our Membership teams focus on providing support and resources for our members across the world, as well as adapting the sport into accessible forms and liaising between members and the IQA. Our Gameplay teams lead on the development of referees and the rulebook.

Officials Team

This team is responsible for referee and snitch testing and certifications, as well as other areas related to the training and development of officials. 

Rules Team

The Rules Team reviews and debates external and internal proposals to the next rulebook, and updates the IQA Casebook.

Rules Committee

This team reviews, suggests revisions to, and approves or rejects proposals from the Rules Team. They also manage NGB requests for local rulebook amendments.

Membership Expansion

This team find and supports new members, and focuses on growing the sport at an international level. 

Membership Resources Team 

This team creates and consolidates resources for NGBs to easily find and use.


The Operations Department focuses on human resources, policy, finance, team culture, and diversity and inclusion.


Human Resources

This team is responsible for recruiting volunteers and ensuring their happiness within the organization, as well as setting volunteer expectations, tracking performance, assisting in evaluation, and preparing guidelines for volunteers.


This team is responsible for the finances of the IQA. They ensure money is spent sensibly, and work to maximize revenue. They produce our annual budget and work with other departments to ensure needs are met.  

Information Technology

The IT team oversees our website and other IT assets, including the Management Hub. The IQA websites use technology including JavaScript/TypeScript, Next.js, Prisma and GraphQL. 

DEI and Accessibility

This team is responsible for ensuring that the IQA adheres to its core values of inclusivity and accessibility in its actions. They work across departments to improve these areas.

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