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IQA Management Hub Updates

Aug 28, 2023 | News

We’re excited to announce that the IQA Management Hub has undergone some updates. While these changes might not immediately catch the eye, they hold the promise of a smoother and more efficient experience. A complete overhaul of the backend architecture has taken place, aiming to optimize the user experience and effectively resolve reported issues. This is exciting news for everyone, as the IQA Management Hub is a tool used by many, as we take a step forward in creating a seamless experience for our users. 

Looking to the future, the IQA is excited to introduce a new era of functionality of the Hub – one that adapts to the needs of its users. The ability to fine-tune features based on individual preferences is on the horizon, ensuring that each user’s experience becomes more tailored and efficient.

The immediate emphasis is on addressing bugs and ensuring the platform reaches a stage where we can learn on how to improve it. This data will be instrumental in pinpointing areas for enhancement and crafting a more refined platform. The subtle alterations taking place now are setting the groundwork for an even more sophisticated and user-centric IQA Management Hub.

But that’s not all – exciting developments are in the pipeline. The IT department has been hard at work conceptualizing and crafting new features that will elevate the IQA Management Hub’s capabilities even further. While these features are still under wraps, the mere promise of innovation should leave users eager to see what’s in store.

All of this is incredibly hard work that usually goes by unnoticed, that’s why the IQA wishes to celebrate the hard work of the developer who has put many hours into the project in order to get more insights about our community needs and act to improve the experience of users visiting the hub.

Spotlight on Marian Dziubiak

At the forefront of this evolution stands Marian Dziubiak, an accomplished software engineer hailing from Ireland. Marian, as a devoted volunteer with the IQA, he employs his technical skills to amplify the IQA’s digital landscape. 

By simplifying IT processes and enhancing online platforms, his contributions play an important role in creating the IQA’s vision of a user-friendly experience for all its players, referees and volunteers. With a redesigned backend architecture and an unwavering commitment, he is finding new ways to create a smooth and accessible quadball experience. Marian’s contributions as a software engineer stand as a cornerstone in this ongoing journey of advancement and accessibility.

Interested in joining the IQA’s IT department? Apply here.