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Trustee Applications Now Open

Mar 21, 2022 | News

The International Quidditch Association (IQA) is looking for new trustees to serve on its Board. Interested persons should read the below carefully and make an application by 10 April 2022. 

The Board of the International Quidditch Association (“IQA”) has decided to include in the agenda of the Special Assembly to be held on 30 April 2022 the possibility of electing new Trustees of the IQA. The Board established the Trustee Election Committee to facilitate the election. The Trustee Election Committee is chaired by Chris Lau (Hong Kong) and currently consists of two other members, Jamie Turbet (Australia) and Matias Ganduglia (Argentina).

Trustees serve as part of a small group that makes governing decisions for the IQA. The Trustees have a direct hand in shaping the future of the organization and the sport overall. The general powers of the Board include, but are not limited to: 

  • Hire, evaluate, terminate, and set compensation for any staff;
  • Admit new members, reclassify, and terminate memberships as provided in the constitution;
  • Maintain a culture of ethical behavior and compliance throughout the IQA;
  • Achieve transparency in the operations of the IQA as is reasonably achievable;
  • Set the strategic plan, budget, and corporate performance measures;
  • Monitor the financial reporting process and the legal and regulatory compliance program;
  • Set policy on capital distribution, financial strategies, borrowing commitments, and long range financial planning;
  • Monitor the IQA’s assets to ensure that they are properly protected;
  • Conduct an annual review of the IQA’s performance and effectiveness and determine future actions required to achieve the IQA’s mission;
  • Take such other action as is customary for a board of directors of a nonprofit corporation.

Below is a detailed timeline and explanation of the application process. NGB representatives or members of the public who have questions, comments, or feedback on either the overall process or the priorities considered when selecting trustees, are encouraged to email the Committee at [email protected].

From now – 10 Apr 2022: Open for applications and candidate interviews

Applicants should email [email protected] with the following information:

  1. Full Name
  2. Email address
  3. Occupation
  4. Country of residence
  5. Resume or curriculum vitae (CV)
  6. Cover Letter, addressing:
    What is your motivation to apply as a Trustee?
    What do you see as the future of the IQA and quidditch in general?
    How do you want to achieve this?
    What skills would you bring to the role of Trustee?
  7. OPTIONAL: Letter of recommendation from an NGB/quidditch organization itself or from person(s) who served or is serving in an NGB/quidditch organization
    Candidates may apply directly without an NGB/personal recommendation. 
    An NGB/person may recommend more than one candidate.
    Any NGB may recommend any candidate, regardless of their country of residence.
    The recommendation must be sent in by the recommending party (e.g. NGB or person) directly to [email protected]Recommendations forwarded by the candidate will not be accepted.

Interviews with candidates will be conducted on a rolling basis as applications are received by the Committee. The Committee aims at conducting all interviews by 17 April 2022.

  1. Interviews will include standard questions determined by the Committee, and each interview will involve the candidate, and at least one member of the Committee.
  2. Written notes will be taken during each interview and shared with all members of the Committee.

On or before 11 Apr 2022: Candidate summaries shared with NGB representatives; questions from NGBs

The CV, motivation letter and NGB recommendations of all candidates that applied will be shared with NGB representatives and other candidates.

NGB representatives are welcomed to propose questions to the candidates. The Committee will help forward those questions to the candidates and forward their responses to the NGBs.

On or before 20 Apr 2022: Committee’s evaluation shared with NGB representatives

The Committee shares its written evaluation on the candidates with NGB representatives. The Committee may recommend, have reservations about, or not recommend a candidate. All candidates who applied will be included in the Committee’s evaluation.

30 Apr 2022: Trustee election at Special Assembly Meeting

  1. The Committee will answer additional questions from NGBs.
  2. Candidates are welcomed to attend the Special Assembly Meeting to answer any questions that NGBs may have. NGBs are strongly encouraged to send in advance to the Committee the questions they want the candidates to address.
  3. To officially enter the election, an applicant must be nominated by a Full Member NGB at the Special Assembly. 
  4. Full Member NGBs of the IQA will by voting elect the new Trustees, in accordance with the Constitution.

May 2022: Onboarding of new Trustees

The Committee will, in coordination with the Board and the relevant staff, contact the Trustees elected for onboarding procedures.