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The IQA welcomes three new Trustees

Feb 14, 2020 | News

The International Quidditch Association is happy to announce the names of the 3 new Trustees: Borja Arbosa (Spain), David Jonsson (Sweden), Kym Couch (USA). The new trustees have been elected on Saturday Feb 8, at 8pm UTC by the NGBs part of the Assembly of Members, during the Annual General Meeting, and will join the existing Board, composed by Alex Benepe, Alberto Coronado, Betsy Lewin-Leigh, Rahel Liviero, Pauline Raes, Austin Wallace. They officially start their duty on the first board meeting, which will happen this month. 

“We are excited to add three new Trustees to our Board. We would like to thank all the candidates who applied, as well as thank the Assembly of Members for an inspiring Annual General Meeting” – commentedAustin Wallace, Chair of the IQA Board of Trustees – “The three new Trustees will add a diverse skill set to our organization, and we look forward to working with them.” 

The Board of Trustees will continue its mandate of leading quidditch development around the world, long-term strategic planning of the sport and financial oversight of the IQA while also focusing on building an inclusive and welcoming culture among players.