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The IQA announces two new Trustees

Mar 5, 2021 | Announcement

The International Quidditch Association is happy to announce the names of one new and one re-elected Trustee: Toni Zimpel (Germany) will newly join the board, and Betsy Lewin-Leigh (UK) has been re-elected for another term. The new trustees were elected on Saturday Feb 20, by the NGBs part of the Assembly of Members, during the Annual General Meeting and  will officially start their duty on the first board meeting, at the beginning of March. 

“We are excited to add Toni as a Trustee and to continue working with Betsy. We would like to thank all the candidates who applied, as well as thank the Assembly of Members for an intensive Annual General Meeting” – commented Rahel Liviero, Chair of the IQA Board of Trustees – “Toni will bring a lot of professional and quidditch experience e.g. in project management and Betsy will have the opportunity to continue her ongoing projects, and we look forward to working with them”.

The Members have decided to elect trustees up to a board size of seven at this point. A special meeting of the assembly will be called within 60 days from the AGM to deliberate on adding additional Trustees to the IQA’s Board of Trustees.

Currently the board is comprised of:

  • Alberto Coronado, USA (1st term, 2019-2022)
  • Betsy Lewin-Leigh, UK (2nd term, 2021-2024)
  • Borja Arbosa, Spain (1st term, 2020-2023)
  • Kym Couch, USA (1st term, 2020-2023)
  • Pauline Raes, Belgium (1st term, 2019-2022)
  • Rahel Liviero, Switzerland (1st term, 2019-2022)
  • Toni Zimpel, Germany (1st term, 2021-2024)

The term for Austin Wallace and Alex Benepe has regularly ended, and they have decided to move on from their positions within the IQA. The Assembly has decided to relieve David Jonsson, Sweden (1st term, 2020-2023) of his duties on the board. 

The Board of Trustees will continue its mandate of leading quidditch development around the world, long-term strategic planning of the sport and financial oversight of the IQA while also focusing on building an inclusive and welcoming culture among players.