Home 5 Announcement 5 The IQA Announces the new organisational structure

The IQA Announces the new organisational structure

Mar 25, 2021 | Announcement

The International Quidditch Association is happy to announce its new organisational structure! After a thorough analysis and consultations with relevant stakeholders inside the Quidditch Community (NGBs, Quidditch professionals, our volunteers, and others), the Board of Trustees – which will remain as it is currently – has decided to reorganize the operational side of the organization to improve efficiency and volunteer engagement.

The following table represents the structure the IQA will aim to be re-organized into. For any specific detail, you can reach out to [email protected].

Organizational Structure

  • Board of Trustees
  • Chief of Staff

Director of Human Resources & Operations

  • Diversity & Inclusion Team
  • Finance Team
  • Human Resources Team
  • Legal Team

Director of Events & Membership Services

  • Event Bidding Team
  • Event Coordination Team
  • Merchandise Team
  • NGB Liaison Team
  • Policy Team
  • Partnerships team
  • Youth Quidditch Team

Director of Communications & Technology

  • Editorial Team
  • Social Media Team
  • Website Team
  • Translation Team
  • Community Engagement Team
  • Design Team
  • Marketing & Branding Team

Director of Gameplay

  • Match Officials Support & Development Team
  • Rules Team
  • Resources Team

All internal IQA volunteers have been encouraged to reapply to continue with the organisation, but the Board also wants to open up all of the roles to the community: following the feedback received, the application process has been shortened and made more agile and overall easier for applicants. The form should take around five minutes to complete and more details can be discussed at the interview if needed. All roles can be applied for via this google form https://forms.gle/morYNi8FuVr7B4kMA without attaching a CV/Cover letter.

The reorganization process will start with Directors positions, role profiles can be found here, whose applications will close on April the 9th, then the Board/Committee will work with the newly appointed directors to make decisions regarding department’s structures and teams. Team-specific role profiles will be following at a later date however we encourage volunteers to apply now, especially those wishing to be in a management or leadership position. Applications for all other volunteers will close on April the 23rd.

Once the initial onboarding is complete (it’s going to be a large job!) general volunteer roles will reopen and will remain open for any future volunteers to join us.
The Board of Trustees is confident that this restructuring will benefit both the IQA and the sport and looks forward to working with all the volunteers both old and new.

Over the upcoming weeks, the IQA will be preparing and focussing on the changeover of leadership. This means that all departments will be less responsive and project delays may be possible. We expect operations to pick up again once the directors and volunteers have been hired and onboarded, in the week of May 3rd.

Questions may be directed to [email protected]