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The Changelog for the Rulebook 2020 is out

Aug 6, 2020 | News

As we head into a new season, the rulebook is being finished, and will be released very soon. However, we wanted to give players a heads up on some of the changes that are on their way.  Please be aware that this is not an exhaustive list of the changes and clarifications you can expect to see in this edition of the rulebook. These are the ones with the largest effects, or ones we otherwise believe would be of particular interest to the community.

There are details, such as specific detailed procedures, and small notes that cover corner cases that may not be mentioned above.  The full wording for all rules will be available upon the release of the rulebook later this month.  

You can read the Changelog for the Rulebook 2020 at this link.

If you have any questions that you wish to ask as to how these rules will work, feel free to send an email to: [email protected].  

We know this season will look a bit different than seasons past, but we look forward to getting back onto the field in each country under this new rulebook when it is safe to do so.