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Statement from the IQA about USQ, MLQ name change

Dec 18, 2021 | Announcement

In the last few days a lot of discussion has occurred on social media and in the press in reaction to the announcement from US Quidditch (USQ) and Major League Quidditch (MLQ) that they are in the process of changing the name of the sport in the USA. As part of this move they are soliciting feedback from the community in the USA and Canada about what the new name should be and intend to trademark the chosen name in the USA.

The International Quidditch Association (IQA) was given limited advance notice of this public announcement, however we will stay in communication with USQ and MLQ to understand the international impacts of this decision. The IQA Board of Trustees has not made any statements about this ongoing development. Any statements from the IQA will be posted via our website and in-conjunction with our official social media channels.

We are in the process of evaluating what this change means for the International Quidditch Association and what the impact trademarking of the new name in the USA would have on our ability to register trademarks and other legal implications for us in the United States, where the IQA is incorporated. We are also discussing with USQ and other National Governing Bodies about the impact this change would have on the sport as a whole.

We would like to reassure you that there are no plans from the IQA at this time to change the name of the sport. Any such change would be done in partnership with our member National Governing Bodies, with considerable consultation from our sport’s broad community, and in line with our constitution.

We also would like to further directly address our transgender community of players.

One key reason behind USQ and MLQ’s desire to change the name of the sport is to distance themselves further from J.K. Rowling and her ongoing anti-trans rhetoric. The International Quidditch Association has no tolerance for transphobia or bigotry of any kind and we explicitly disavow her comments against the transgender community. We stand with you and reiterate that all who wish to play our sport are welcome, exactly as you are.

The IQA will continue to monitor this situation and will share any updates with the community as and when we have them. Press inquires can contact us via email at [email protected].