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IQA Forms Committee to Explore Name Change of Sport

Mar 10, 2022 | News

Following the joint announcement by US Quidditch and Major League Quidditch that they have begun the process of selecting a new name for the real-life version of quidditch in the United States, the IQA has formed an internal committee to consider whether these changes should be made internationally.  

The committee is considering multiple questions;

  • Should the IQA maintain the name “quidditch” as the name of the sport, 
  • Should the IQA accept whichever changes US Quidditch and Major League Quidditch make in the United States on an international scale and,
  • Depending on the answer to the previous questions, what name to recommend for the sport. 

The committee is led by Rahel Liviero and is composed of NGB representatives, IQA volunteers and other members of the community across seven countries on four continents.  The committee will ultimately make a recommendation to the IQA Board of Trustees on how best to proceed.

“The project to change the name of our beloved sport not only requires leadership from the IQA, but also collective efforts from the NGBs and the community. We are extremely glad that the Name Change Committee, with members from various continents and expertises, has been established to oversee this project and make recommendations to the Board and the NGBs. We are confident in the Committee’s ability to fully consult different stakeholders in carrying out its tasks,” said Chris Lau, IQA Trustee.

As the committee progresses in its work, we will make further announcements regarding the status of the work and solicit public opinion through the IQA’s website and social media channels.  The next announcement is expected to be made in mid-March and will confirm whether the IQA intends to pursue a name change or maintain the name “quidditch.”

The members of the committee are:

  • Rahel Liviero, Former IQA Trustee, Vice-President Swiss Quidditch Association
  • Matt Bateman, President, QuidditchUK
  • Emma Humphrey, Founder and board member of QuANZ 
  • Chris Lau, IQA Trustee 
  • Andy Marmer, Former IQA Trustee and Former IQA Interim Executive Director
  • Ariadna L. Navone Sarubbi, Former BIPOC Committee Member and Social Media & Community Engagement Manager
  • Pauline Raes, IQA Events & Membership Services Director
  • Caio Santos, Director of International Relations, Brazil
  • Luke Zak, IQA Events & Membership Services Deputy Director

The biographies and qualifications of each individual can be found here.