Home 5 Announcement 5 IQA Executive Director (ED) Applications are Now Open

IQA Executive Director (ED) Applications are Now Open

Apr 17, 2024 | Announcement

The International Quadball Association (IQA) is looking for the new Executive Director (ED), after Aaron Carroll stepped down. The Interim Executive Director is Jamie Turbet, also current Director of Membership & Gameplay. Interested candidates should read the below carefully before submitting an application. 

The Executive Director of the IQA leads the organization into an exciting future, driving strategic initiatives, fostering collaboration, and championing the values of quadball across continents. Working closely with our team of Directors, the Executive Director plays a key role in organizing and coordinating quadball events on an international scale.

This is a voluntary position.  

Find additional information in our LinkedIn job offer.

Role duties include: 

  • A time commitment of 10 hours per week at minimum, and over 20 hours per week in exceptional situations. 
  • Lead a team of department Directors, and meet with them regularly.
  • Attend a monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees. 
  • Operate as a public face of the IQA.
  • Set the priorities of the international federation of quadball, along with the Board of Trustees.


  • Applicants must be proficient in both verbal and written English. 

Applicants are required to submit the following data and documentation: 

  • Applicant information (such as full name, and country of residence).
  • Application materials (expression of interest on being the Executive Director, skills and experiences that would be beneficial in this role, and at least one piece of supporting documentation, such as a recommendation letter, a professional resume or CV, or relevant work product examples).

To apply, please complete this Google Form by May 12, 2024. The application process will be as follows: 

  • By May 12, 2024: all valid applications are submitted. 
  • By May 31, 2024: all interviews are conducted, applications are discussed, and the new Executive Director is appointed.

The Chair will, in coordination with the Board and the relevant IQA staff, contact the new Executive Director for onboarding procedures. 

Questions, comments, or feedback on the process are encouraged to send an email to [email protected].