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IQA Continental Games 2021 Finalists

Nov 14, 2020 | Events

The IQA is happy to announce the finalists for the 2021 IQA Continental Games. 

After discussions between the Events Bid Evaluation team, all IQA Department Directors, and the IQA Board, we have narrowed possible locations down to two finalists for both the IQA European Games and Pan-American Games 2021. We did not receive any bids for the IQA Oceania-Asian Games 2021. Should the IQA decide to host the IQA World Cup in 2023, we will again reach out to NGBs in the area to see if there is interest in hosting an event in the summer of 2022.

The two final bids under consideration for the European Games are from Limerick, Republic of Ireland and Madrid, Spain. For Pan-American Games, the finalists are Mexico City and San Juan del Rio, Querétaro, both located in Mexico.

All our finalists have strong event-hosting capacities and we look forward to having further conversations with these bidding parties to work out the best possible agreements for our stakeholders before finalizing host locations.

The IQA’s priority remains the health and safety of our athletes, volunteers and spectators. While we continue the selection process for the host locations of the IQA Continental Games this summer, we also continue to monitor the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on our community to evaluate the feasibility of each of our events.