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Head Referee Fee Waiver

Apr 19, 2020 | News

The IQA Gameplay department have made changes to the referee testing to try and benefit referees during this COVID-19 pandemic. Given that the number of tournaments for the current rulebook have been reduced already and the outlook for others still in place is bleak, we are introducing a new scheme to try and help referees keep their rulebook knowledge up throughout this time of isolation for those that wish to. 

The new plan is that for those who are Assistant and Snitch Referee qualified with the IQA under Rulebook 18-20, they can have the Head Referee fee waived for this rulebook cycle. This is to enable people to practice or learn what the head referee test is like, to learn more parts of the rulebook, and to try and encourage more to become head referee qualified next cycle. 

This is achieved by filling out the Head Referee Fee Waiver form once you are Assistant AND Snitch Referee qualified.

Please note: Anyone who completes this form and has the fee waived, cannot be head referee qualified for this rulebook cycle, and thus cannot head referee at official tournaments. By completing this form, you consent to the IQA sharing your response to NGBs or tournament directors as needed to determine the eligibility of all referees. 

Fees will go back to normal, and everyone will be able to certified normally, under the new rulebook, which will be released summer 2020. 

Alongside this we would like to inform or, in some cases, remind our match officials that you can take up to 4 tests per month even after you have passed. We will be stopping weekly quizzes brought out in the IQA Match Officials Group as referees will have free access to more questions via this test. 

We hope you enjoy this and continue to stay safe during these tough times.