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Evaluating the Safety and Accessibility of Potential IQA Event Locations

Oct 27, 2020 | Events, News

The recently announced postponement of World Cup 2021 gives an opportunity for the IQA’s BIPOC Committee, formed this summer, to engage with stakeholders to determine more event host selection criteria sensitive to the needs and desires of all potential event attendees. The committee will be assessing Richmond, Virginia as a sample location to evaluate the efficiency and prioritization of safety considerations within the current process.

To help with the goal above and previously mentioned, the IQA’s BIPOC Committee has developed a short survey in order to gather feedback with regard to the safety, accessibility, and inclusivity of IQA-hosted events. The survey focuses on specific “location-bound” information, ie. determiners that make a host city safe and accessible (vs. unsafe and/or inaccessible) for all events. Responses from the surveys will be used to inform what criteria the IQA will be looking for host locations to satisfy.

About the IQA BIPOC Committee: The BIPOC Committee is served by members from 6 different NGBs across 4 continents. Members were selected from a pool of applicants with attention given to quidditch experience, age, gender, ethnicity, and unique perspectives. The goal of the committee is to evaluate the location selection process to make all future IQA-hosted events more welcoming, safe, and accessible for all attendees.

This survey is geared toward potential attendees of any IQA-hosted event. If you are a potential spectator, including officials or volunteers, please fill out this survey before November 7th, 2020.

National team athletes will be provided with a survey through their National Governing Body. Questions can be directed to [email protected].