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Trustee Applications Are Now Open

Jan 20, 2020 | News

Dear all,

The International Quidditch Association (IQA) is looking for new trustees to serve on its board. At the last assembly of members in February 2019, it was decided to elect 9 new Trustees. Those 9 Trustees were split up in groups of 3 with each serving a period of either one, two or three years.

The IQA Nominations Committee is co-chaired by Rahel Liviero (Switzerland) and Pauline Raes (Belgium). We still invite two National Governing Body (NGB) representatives and/or one IQA Volunteer to join the committee. If you are interested please email [email protected].

Trustees serve as part of a small group that makes governing decisions for the International Quidditch Association. The trustees have a direct hand in shaping the future of the organization and the sport overall. The general powers of the board include, but are not limited to: 

  • Hire, evaluate, terminate, and set compensation for any staff;
  • Admit new members, reclassify, and terminate the membership of members as provided in the constitution;
  • Receive and review reports of any employees, committees, or task forces of the IQA;
  • Approve the hiring of any professionals including accountants, financial advisors, auditors, and lawyers;
  • Maintain a culture of ethical behavior and compliance throughout the IQA;
  • Achieve transparency in the operations of the IQA as is reasonably achievable;
  • Set the strategic plan, budget, and corporate performance measures;
  • Monitor the financial reporting process and the legal and regulatory compliance program;
  • Set policy on capital structure, financial strategies, borrowing commitments, and long range financial planning;
  • Monitor the IQA’s assets to ensure that they are properly protected; 
  • Ensure that the board is properly structured and is capable of acting in case of an unforeseen corporate crisis;
  • Conduct an annual review of the IQA’s performance and effectiveness and determine future actions required to achieve the IQA’s mission;
  • Approve a strategic plan covering both the mid-term and long-term;
  • Maintain documents confirming the achievements of the IQA, athletes, and coaches, and records confirming anti-doping results, medical records, promotion of women, sport administration, communication, and marketing; and
  • Take such other action as is customary for a board of directors of a corporation. 

Applications for the open Trustee positions are due on Jan. 31, 2020. The interviews will be held between Feb 1 – 5, 2020. The final confirmation vote for trustees will be conducted at the IQA Assembly Meeting on February 8, 2020.

See below for the detailed timeline and explanation of the application process, as well as opportunities to give feedback. Either NGB representatives or members of the public who have questions, comments, or feedback on either the overall process or the priorities considered when selecting trustees, are encouraged to email us at [email protected].

Jan. 31, 2020: Deadline for applications 

  1. Full Name
  2. Email Address
  3. Occupation
  4. Country of residence
  5. Resume or Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)
  6. Cover Letter, addressing:
  7. OPTIONAL: Letter of nomination from NGB 

    Feb 1- 5, 2020: Candidate interviews
  • Private interviews will be conducted with each candidate as applications are submitted. 
  • Interviews will include standard questions determined by the committee, and each interview will involve the candidate, and at least one member of the committee. 
  • Written notes will be taken during each interview and shared with all members of the committee.

Feb 1, 2020: Candidate summaries shared with NGB representatives

  • A short profile of each candidate that the committee recommends to advance will be shared with representatives of each NGB. This information will include their cover letter and resume/CV.
  • A summary will also be shared for candidates that the committee does not recommend to advance.
  1. This may include candidates who decline to advance after the interview process or candidates who do not fit the minimum expectations for the position, including English proficiency and availability for Board meetings.
  2. Any NGB representative who has further questions about candidates in this summary may ask and the committee will provide additional information.
  3. If after this additional information is provided, a NGB representative recommends that the candidate be advanced, unless they had directly declined to further their application, the committee will note this for NGBs.

Feb. 8, 2019: Committee recommendations presented at Assembly

  • Committee shares final recommendations with NGBs at Assembly:
  • The report will note all candidates who applied, the status for each (whether or not they were advanced beyond the interviews) and candidate summaries sent on February 1, 2020.
  • The recommendations will note the level of qualification the committee believes each candidate has for the trustee position: either recommended or not recommended.
  • This report will include a note of which candidates have received NGB nominations and which candidates applied directly and will need to be nominated by an NGB during the AGM to be voted on.

Feb. 8, 2020: Assembly Meeting and confirmation vote.

  • The nominations committee will present the recommendations report and answer additional questions from NGBs.
  • To be voted upon, each applicant will need to be nominated by an NGB either through the application process (see step 2) or through a verbal nomination at the AGM.
  • Each candidate will be voted on individually during the AGM. Only NGBs who are full members of the IQA may cast votes. No trustee can be elected without an affirmative vote of the majority of voters present at the AGM.

February (TBA): Onboarding of Trustees

  • Formal offers will be made to Trustees voted upon during the AGM.
  • After this point, the onboarding process will proceed with IQA staff.

Again, we encourage you to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any feedback. We look forward to working together to move the sport forward!

Rahel Liviero (Co-Chair) and Pauline Raes (Co-Chair)