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Changes to the IQA Board: New & Departing Trustees

The IQA is excited to announce several changes to the Board of Trustees.  There are four new trustees who will join the board and help shape the future of the sport. The new trustees joining the organization are Andy Marmer, Negra Flores, Ariel Heiblum, and...

IQA announces new Executive Director

The IQA is happy to announce that Aaron Carroll has been appointed as Executive Director (the former Chief of Staff role)! Aaron has been with the IQA since 2020, and has held numerous roles such as Deputy Director of Human Resources, Director of Human Resources,...

Trustee Election Announcement

The International Quidditch Association (IQA) is looking for new trustees to serve on its Board. Interested persons should read the below carefully and make an application by 31 January 2023.  A trustee election will be held during the Annual Assembly,...

IQA Announces Management Changes

The IQA is excited to announce a few changes to its management. After discussions with NGBs about what they are looking for from the IQA, the IQA has implemented a number of changes that we believe will allow us to best serve our members. Luke Zak will be taking on...

Marmer Named Interim Chief of Staff

The IQA is pleased to announce that Andy Marmer has been appointed as Interim Chief of Staff following the departure of Rahel Liviero who recently stepped down from the position. Andy has held a variety of positions in quidditch and is currently serving as chair of...